Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Sick Of Politics As Usual

After 2016 is over I'll probably turn my back on politics for a while, as has been a lifetime trend of mine, feeling that the glimpses of political light that permeated my antipathy towards world affairs throughout my life were enough to point me away in helpless, self-imposed ignorance.
I'm ready to re-assume that position after 2 years of full engagement on my part. I've been sober in every sense of the word, eschewing fun, comedy and mirth in my life in order that I be primed, and of a serious mind, to understand the complexities of geopolitics.
I craved logic, sound, internally consistent arguments; I've read books and consumed media in the same manner as many others have. I've pontificated and tried to pass myself off as someone in possession of the facts. And like many of you who have waded into the murky waters of the body politic, I'm ready to get out, dry off and lay down for a while. I'm exhausted. Who was I kidding? Who was anyone kidding? All this certitude around us. We haven't got a clue.
Thomas Sowell says "politics is the choice between an endless assortment of bad alternatives", so why do I feel so let down? After all, I wanted Brexit and begrudgingly opted for Trump over Hillary as the lesser of two evils. I knew what I was asking for.
There are no heroes in politics, only villains, either awake or dormently waiting to become arseholes.
There are no perfect scenarios where even a majority-backed decision is implemented in such ways it was desired during conception that it could please that same slim majority.
A friend said to me recently..
"Fair enough. I feel the same to be honest. It's tiring work sorting out the bulllshit from the facts. And it's a kind of activity which loses you friends without winning you any new ones."
I'm tired of feeling the shackles of unspoken tribalism in social situations. I'm tired of my own tacit judgement of other people's choices and arguments. I'm tired of trying to convince my mum I haven't gone mad. People can lose their lives to politics, fighting the good fight all to just lose friends and upset those around them.
It's bollocks. So, fuck you politics. Fuck you mainstream media. To a certain extent, fuck you alternative media. I'm taking a break.
Time for some fun.
Here's a video of political pundits talking about 2016 you probably won't watch. It won't do you much good either way.