My mother is of similar age to Camille Paglia. She once remarked to a Feminist (who was acting as key worker to her autistic son), "I don't need Feminism. Women have already won". The Feminist looked ashamed. And, rightly so. Her failure to wield her femininity was her own and not the fault of the world, as Feminism would like to reassuringly have her believe. She wasn't a blameless, objectified, agency-less victim. She was complicit in believing the lies her Feminist overseers would have her believe. And, if she couldn't make 'Patriarchy work for her', it wasn't a grand biological conspiracy, it was self-delusion.
Female power is so subtle and pervasive, we look past it, as the old saying goes, 'You can't see the wood for the trees'. It doesn't need to brag and boast like male power, so, we think it doesn't exist. In truth, it's the air we breath. But, like marionettes, men are manipulated by the barely visible strings of female dominance. and, of course, to those who know how to harness it, women hold all the power right between their legs, in their capacity to bring or end life. The honey pot, as Nicki Minaj calls it.
Camille get's it! My mum get's it. And, as Camille rightly points out in an excellent Spiked Online interview, most women get it - because, it benefits them to do so. Most women don't want Feminism.